How to clean up your inbox outlook in 2024?

Did you know? You can quickly unsubscribe from emails in G-mail by searching the word unsubscribe in the search bar? Learn this and four more of my favorite tips to clean up your inbox in 2024. Hey friends it’s time to clear the clutter in G-mail in 2024 and hit inbox zero or at least, inbox zen.

1. Quickly unsubscribe from mailing lists

Quickly unsubscribe from mailing lists and there are a couple of ways to do this. mail does a really good job of helping you quickly unsubscribe by simply hovering over the marketing email or distribution list, and you’ll get a handy unsubscribe option.

If you don’t have this option, or it’s taking too long to do this manually, all you need to do is use our handy dandy G-mail search bar and search the word unsubscribe hit enter, blame every email that contains the word unsubscribe will automatically appear for you.

Now, you can more quickly review what email list you’d like to unsubscribe from. The caveat here, at least in the beginning of 2024, is that G-mail does not allow you to bulk unsubscribe yet you’d need a third-party plugin for that, but there aren’t any that I’d recommend to you right now.

2. Archive emails in bulk

Keep in mind, archiving is different than deleting so, if you’ve got a lot of emails from one sender that are creating clutter in your inbox, once again, use the search box in the top of your G-mail to search for the email address of that sender and again, let’s narrow down that search by clicking on the filter option and adding that email address in the from section. So we only want to view emails from that email address.

From here, we can click create filter. At the top, all we have to do is select, skip the inbox, and archive it. So emails from this sender won’t even hit your inbox and create clutter for you. They’ll be moved to archive instead.

Instead, when you click create filter, any existing emails from that sender are instantly removed from your inbox. And if you’re wondering, well, where do archived emails go in G-mail? They are also added to your all-mail label. So, you could head to that label from your main menu on the left of G-mail and find all of the emails there. Not only can you archive in bulk, but you can delete emails in bulk too.

3. Bulk delete emails in G-mail

This is one of the most satisfying things. So here’s how to bulk delete emails in G-mail. There are, of course, a couple of ways to do this I think the easiest way is just a couple clicks. Click on that select all toggle near the top to select all emails on the page.

Once you select all emails using the toggle, you’ll be informed at the top that you’ve selected all emails on the page, but you can select all conversations in your primary inbox. You’d simply click on that to get rid of every last email in your inbox. So, if you truly want to bulk delete emails in G-mail, this is the quickest way. But you probably don’t want to delete every last email in G-mail.

So this trick works in each filtered inbox in G-mail. Here’s what I mean. So, remember how we just went into our All Mail? Let’s go into that again, and this time click the Select All toggle at the top. See our message now? It’s all 50 conversations on this page, or all conversations in all mail. Not your inbox, but anything in all mail. So again, let’s head to sent and toggle these on and now look, it’s just a bulk delete action for the sent items now. You can also use your filters to bulk delete as well.

So you can filter this however you want. Back in our search bar at the top, maybe you want to bulk delete all emails from a specific email address. You can just search for that email address and either select all right from those results, or you could use that same filter in the search bar to filter to emails only from that email address. Then you select all and delete them all in one go. or you could filter by unread messages. So in your search bar at the top, type in is colon, unread, hit enter, boom. All your unread emails will come up.

Here it’s the same steps. you’d click on the select all box and you can delete per page or simply select all conversations that match this search. So you can search and filter down to bulk delete emails in G-mail to whatever works for you, but remember, once you move items to the trash, they will sit there for 30 days.

4. Clean up your inbox is to find and delete large files in G-mail

This is great for not only aesthetically cleaning up your inbox, but for clearing space in G-mail too. We’re once again going to use our search bar at the top of G-mail to quickly find large files that could be creating clips and taking up storage space, just search file name, colon, and then the file type. Common file types are like PNGs or MP4 files.

Hit enter to search for all emails containing that file type. Alternatively, you could search by file size as well. So, in the same way we did our last search, we’re going to utilize the search bar, but this time we’re going to type larger, colon, and then the file size. So maybe we want to find files that are larger than 10 megabytes or 15 megabytes, whatever it is for you, put that number in here. Hit enter to search, and bingo bango, there are all of our emails with large file sizes.

I’ve added those search parameters for you in the description below so you can quickly copy and paste and customize them however you need.

5. Clean up your inbox, report spam

Now, I will admit, G-mail does an excellent job of doing this automatically for you and having it skip your inbox, but occasionally things squeak by. If this happens, all you need to do is click that checkbox to the left of the email and then click the report spam icon.

It’s in the same spot near the top if you’ve opened that email up, too by the way. Once you have noticeable something as spam, it’s not likely to knock your inbox again, so this a really important step when it comes to cleaning up your inbox.

Soon than simply deleting it and then keep receiving emails from that sender, just boom it as spam so G-mail knows to not clutter up your inbox with it. Currently, with that said, I also bill my spam folder every now and again to make sure nothing has been flagged as spam that should actually be in my primary inbox. If that’s come to you and you need to transfer something from your spam folder or anywhere in your inbox, you can simply haul and drop that email to the desired location.

Thanks for reading this article.

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