How to run Facebook ads for clients in 2024 (Update)

Facebook ads can absolutely crush it for your business, but most brands are making one key mistake that’s hindering their performance altogether with their ads. Now I want to be able to show you the new way of managing your Facebook campaigns and audiences so that way you can start seeing much better results and performance  with your Facebook campaigns.

I’m going to be showing you the exact campaign structure that we use. So that way you can see exactly how things actually work and the new way of doing Facebook ads.

So that way you can start seeing incredible results.So here we are inside  of a ..

Some of the common mistakes that most people make with Facebook ads algorithm to definitely exit learning with your ad sets, because they’re being split up into too many campaigns. The second biggest problem is people don’t organize their campaigns into buckets. Organizing your campaigns into buckets can allow you  to optimize much quicker and it makes the data improved over time. It’s easier for the algorithm to learn and you can very quickly know exactly which audiences earn which campaigns. For example, we have a re-targeting bucket where only the re-targeting audiences are.

We know for our re-targeting audiences that we’re averaging $30 cost per purchase. If we were to mix our re-targeting  with our lookalikes that would con-volute our data and we wouldn’t know if it’s the re-targeting that’s necessarily performing or the lookalikes that is without having to drill down and get super deep into the actual data. Having a structure like this is much simpler for us to view and analyze our numbers to know if we’re doing good on a return and ad spend based off what  or spending.

We have our lookalikes and only our lookalikes go in this specific campaign

Same thing for our interest. And then we always have an open audience, which is essentially a broad audience. It’s broad audiences work extremely well with Facebook because over the years, Facebook’s able to optimize their algorithm.They’ve gotten super successful at identifying your audience for you.

As long as your creative communicates your product or service in an effective way, Facebook is going to be able to identify where to actually send your ads to be able to deliver the best purchases for you. And so we have these four campaign setups.And now let’s break down  they’ve potentially have purchased in the past. And so they’re a very qualified customer.

And so we have 180 day time frame, meaning we’re re-targeting people who are most interested in potentially buying.Then we have meddle funnel which is usually page views people who have actually visited the site may be they viewed one of the products.

They didn’t add to card but they’ve interacted with the website in some form.Top of funnel would be people who’ve engaged with your ads,your social media page potentially have made your website, but really just have only seen your ads videos or posts before and so that is another way to bring people in so you’re always moving people down this funnel to be able to eventually convert.And so that’s the first structure of your actual retarding audiences.

And as you can see, averaging a 15X on middle funnel and a 10X on lower funnel here. Then we move on to our lookalikes where we’re using a 3% purchase 180 day, meaning we built an audience of people who look just like the people who have purchased over the past 180  days with us. This is a very qualified audience because it’s people who are quite literally very similar to the ones who have already spent money with our brand or business before.

And so we did a 3% and 5% because it’s a little bit larger of an audience size.  So, it’s less likely that the creative or audience will fatigue early on if it works and it’s much easier to scale over the long run, especially when the audience is much bigger in size. And so continuing along this path, we can see we’re averaging a 10X here, a 10X ROAS here, and then a 5.79.  These are all performing amazing, and these are our lookalike audiences because the system can optimize effectively for you.

Facebook has shown this to be proven time and time again to be able to convert and generate amazing results. Some of you who are really familiar with how the tracking systems work on Facebook, you might be wondering should  that I trust this row as, a lot of times you might see inconsistencies.
So I highly re-commend to go to

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