Make money just sending email in 2024 (Update)

So in today’s article, all you need is an email address to start making money online. Yes, you heard correctly, all you need is a simple email address. It doesn’t matter if it’s a Gmail, a Yahoo or Outlook, etc. this will work for you and I’m going to show you how you can make a lot of money  online by simply sending emails and the best part about this is that it can be done on complete autopilot so tell me how would you like to see $5,000 in your a complete beginner without any money.

And yes, I already know what you’re thinking. This works worldwide anywhere you are around the globe.  So make sure you read this article as I have a huge bonus for you to make money online. What’s going on guys, it’s your boy FH here, back again with another great way to make money online. And welcome back to all of my, you know, loyal supporters, all of the new supporters I’ve  joined the family.So as I was saying today, I want to show you how to make money using your email So if you already have an email address, you’re going to be able to make a lot of money online.

You need to create an E-mail account.So as I was saying today, I want to show you how to make money using your email So if you already have an email address, you’re going to be able to make a lot of money online.

So, for the example today, we’re going to be using Google, so if you just click over to the icon here, once you come over to, you’re going to be able to see your account say if you have an account already you can use one of these accounts but if you don’t all you need to do is click on add another account.

Then once you get to this page go ahead and sign up for a brand new Gmail account.You’re gonna click on  creat an account and then put for my self.

step no:2

All you have to do is enter your first name your last name and then you’re gonna enter your user name and password.You’re going to confirm your password and you’re going to hit next and you’ll be able  to create an account within seconds.

Now for the username right here for your Gmail, you’re going to need to wait until you get to the end of the article so you can know exactly what to put here. So just hold out on this for now and it’s all going to make sense once you get to the  end of the article. So now for this step, you guys are going to need to head over to Google Chrome.

If you don’t have Google Chrome installed, make sure you go ahead and do that now. Then once you’re here, you need to go to the web source. So that’s forward slash the web store and then once you’re on the web store, what you’re gonna need to do is type in Facebook Pixel and then you’re gonna see this extension come up right here.

This is exactly what we’re gonna be using today to make a lot of money online. So make sure you guys come over here and just simply click on Facebook pixel helper  And after that what you’re gonna do is just click on add to Chrome and then you just go ahead and click here.

And then just like that you can see here just within a few seconds the Facebook Pixel Helper is now added to my Chrome and I’m gonna explain how vital this is  to this method today in a second.So what you guys need to do is just make sure it’s on and then you simply just close it.

What this tool does, it basically tracks anyone that lands on a particular website. So this means that when someone lands on a website, it leaves a cookie on a browser so  we can know, you know, where they come from and we’re going to be able to track them online and retarget them and this is how we’re going to make tons of money online today in this article.

Step no:3

What you guys need to do is head back over to Google and what we’re gonna do here is find businesses that don’t have the Facebook pixel helper to come over to the maps. And if you think about it, since the crisis, a lot of businesses have moved over to e-commerce. So using this strategy right here has never been a better time and these business owners  I’m going to show you are going to be more than happy to pay you for this service You know to help them retarget people using this Facebook page will help out so they can gain more revenue in their business.

So let’s say for example we wanted to target dentists in our local area, remember this is  worldwide so whichever area you’re in you’re going to be able to see it on your map and then we’re simply gonna type in dentist.

And then as you can see here on the left hand side, there’s a bunch of different dentist practices that has come up on the screen.  And as I said, this is gonna be your local area. And then what we’re gonna do here is simply look through these different websites to see if they’re actually using the Facebook pixel helper. Then I’m gonna show you how we can contact these different businesses and how we’re gonna make money  online with the strategy.And I’m going to show you how to set this up and automate whole this process.So you don’t have to do much work at all.So if you’re new to making money online and you’re complete beginner don’t worry I’m going to walk you through this step by step.

So what we’re going to do right here is open up a few of these different dentists that you see that show up in your browser .So as you can see right here at the top I’ve opened up three different websites and I want you guys to pay attention to this little Facebook pixel helper in the corner.

Now let’s click on the first one and you’re going to see what happens. As you can see, as soon as I’ve gone onto this website, this Facebook helper has not changed at all. So what this simply means is that this website right here, this business, they do not have any tracking. They don’t have any pixel installed,which means that they don’t have anything tracking their that come onto their website.

So they can re-target their customers which means that they’re missing out on a ton of money you know they’re missing out on a ton of you know customers that could potentially be coming back to their business and getting them more revenue.I hope that all makes sense, but if I go over to this website right here, you can see that this is another dental practice, but if you look over the side here, the Facebook Pixel Helper has turned blue this means that this business actually has a pixel.So they’re good they don’t need any of our help today and they’re you know re-targeting their customers just fine but with this business that we found here.We’re going to be able to help them out you know get them a facebook pixel set up and they’re going to pay us a lot of money for this because we’re going to be bringing more customers into their business and the amazing thing about this as I sad is that this works worldwide. 

All you need to do, find these different companies that don’t have the Pixel, and then you’re gonna start reaching out to these companies, and they’re gonna pay you and they’re going to pay you for the service and I’m going to show you you how you can do this without doing any work at all.  

Step no:4

All you guys need to do to start making money is just do exactly what I showed.You find dentists in your local area and what you guys want to do find around three to four different companies that do not have the facebook help part installed and then what you’re gonna do is reach out to them. And it’s very easy to contact these people.As you can see right down here,  they have their number, but we’re not gonna contact them through our number. We’re gonna do is go on their contact us page because pretty much all of these companies are gonna have an email address.

This is a standard online so as you can see right down here we’ve got their email right here that we’re going to be able to contact them and let them  know what’s going on with their website and how we can help them and we’re gonna help them improve their website and then in return we’re gonna make some great money for ourselves.

So what we’re gonna do is just simply copy their email. All you need to do is head back over to the email whether it’s the existing one or one that you have already and you’re simply gonna paste it right here  in the recipient section, so just like that.

And what I’ve done for you guys is actually given you a free email script that you can use to send out to all of these different businesses that is literally working like crazy right now.I’ve given you guys a subject line that you need to put and a whole script.By giving you guys a subject line that you need to put  and a whole script.

All you guys need to do is just replace your name right here which you’re gonna decide at the end which is just gonna be a business name. And this script right here is just a proposal to these different companies, you know, letting them know that they’re missing out  on thousands of sales by not having re-targeting on their website and you’re just letting them know that you’re a social media marketing agency and you’re happy to help them with this. And because a lot of businesses are struggling, you’re gonna offer them a 50% discount.

So you let them know why their website is not performing as well and you’re giving them  an opportunity to increase their sales which many businesses are going to accept because who doesn’t want to make more money in their business.

So all you guys have to do is literally copy this exact script that has proven to work, replace your name right here and your business name at the bottom and send it out to all  of these different businesses that you found and then you’re going to see how this works like magic and you’re going to be able to get tons of clients this way and this is so simple and easy all you’re doing is you know providing a service for these people which you’re not even going to do yourself which I’m going to show you in a second and they’re going to pay you however much you want you can charge them you know 100 dollars,200 dollars up to 500 dollars or up to a thousand dollars  depending on how big the company is it’s completely up to you want to charge them you’re the boss in the situation.

So you call the shots and you decide how much you want to charge these business and what I want to do in the next step is also show you guys how to automate this whole process and set this whole Facebook pixel up on their website without ever having to do it yourself.  

Step no:5

What you guys want to do is to head over to this site right here called Re-bump, so that’s And this platform right here is literally how you’re going to automate this process. So, as you can see right here, automate your email follow up, the best way to get your emails  answered.

So, if you scroll down here, you’re going to see that basically you’re going to send this first email which I showed you over here and this is going to be your original email right but a few of the businesses that you know you send this email to they might ignore this  email or they might have not seen it so what you’re going to have to do is send them multiple email, so you’re going to send them like four or five emails after your original email, so that you can keep bumping yourself up at the top of their email list, which increases  the chances of them opening an email and it increases the chances of you making a sale. and this rebump site right here automates the whole process for you.

All you need to do is sign up with them, enter all the emails, your original email, your second email and everything like that and then it’s gonna literally send these  emails out for you and it’s like an automated system, all you do is enter the contact details of the companies, the five emails that you want to input into the system and literally it’s going to do the whole thing for you. And if you don’t know what to write in the rest of the emails, it’s simple, you know after they’ve after you sent the first E-mail.You know proposing to them what you can help out their business with you just follow up with them and say you know I’ve noticed that you didn’t reply to the first emails or anything else.I can give you some information about and same thing with the second and third email you’re just simply following them up and when you put into this system you won’t have to do much work at all.And it’s going to be bringing you in clients every single day on complete autopilot and what’s best about this platform is that you can can literally sign up to a free 30 day trial.

I’m not an affiliate to this program, this is actually something I use in my business. What you guys have to do is sign up to your free 30 day trial, and if we go over to the price and you can see after you finish your 30 day trial, this  is a very cheap program, you know, $5 monthly just to just to set up your automation email workflow that’s going to be bringing you in hundreds if not thousands of dollars and think about it if you’re making you know two thousand a month of this you know five dollars  a month is literally pennies to you so this is not going to be much of an expense for you at all and it’s going to be super, super effective for you, especially with this method and getting you more clients.

Step no:6

How are we going to set this  Facebook pixel up for these companies so we can make money online and there’s a few ways.One of the first ways is going over to YouTube and as you can see right here.I’ve typed in how to set up Facebook pixel and run ads so many different videos has come up that we can actually use as a know to create these.Facebook pixels so these don’t take you long at all but I  know some of you guys might not be as tech savvy and you might not want to do this you might think that’s difficult but trust me it’s not difficult at all.But just in case you guys don’t want to do it I have a second option for you.Which is very laid back so that you guys don’t have to do any of this yourself and the second way.

I’m referring to is  is on Fiverr, so as you can see right here on Fiverr, there’s a bunch of different people on here that you can pay for very cheap to set these Facebook pixels up for you.

So for example, if you’re charging this company right here, let’s say $600 to set up their Facebook Pixel,  all you can do is come over to Fiverr and pay some of these people, as you can see here, $30, you know, need $15 and these people are going to do it for you and you’re going to make a massive amount of profit without doing much work at all.

And this is commonly known  as drop servicing where you pay someone from one platform to do a job for someone else on a different platform and this is a great business model.

So what you guys want to do right down here is just look through the list and find trustworthy sellers as you can see right down here you got different people that are level 2 which is what I recommend you guys go for level 2 people that are not charging much at all but they have good reviews so say for example this person right here you can see that this guy is level 2 and he’s done over 315 jobs so.So this guy is a professional, he’s got all 5 star ratings, so you know for a fact he’s going to be able to do this job to a high quality for you.

And what you guys want to do is simply contact him. So you just click on contact me and you can basically, you know, negotiate with him and say, listen, I’m going to be bringing you a lot of business, you know in the next couple weeks the next couple months so let’s work out an even cheaper  deal if I give you like let’s say 50 clients can you do this job for five dollars for me and simply by negotiating with him he’s gonna probably you know accept that because you’re going to be bringing him constant money so he’s going to be open to negotiation with  you and to save you even more money what I’m going to do is leave a link down in the description to Fiverr, so when you guys purchase your first gig on here, you’re going to be able to get a discount. So that’s simply how it’s done guys, you just come over here, find someone on Fiverr and  that these companies are willing to pay so much money for. And I’ve even given you an option where you can actually do this yourself.

So you guys need to literally get onto this right now. There’s so many companies that need this service.And you can charge them for this type of service  and make a lot of money online. And it doesn’t even just have to be dentists, you know. You can target doctors, you can target lawyers, you can target electricians, you can target restaurants, I’ve even given you a proven script that works every time.

So yeah guys, that was a whole method from me today.Well done on getting to the end of the article.If you’ve reached this point, I know you’re serious.Thank you.

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